Development of a Regional Mental Health Peer Workforce Framework
A Mental Health Peer Workforce for the Regions
The evidence for peer work is compelling and the need for its development to be supported and resourced is essential. Lived Experience (Peer) Workers are the owner builders of the mental health system. They are also the planners and architects of ways of working where foundations are built on relationships and trust.
The South Eastern NSW Lived Experience (Peer) Work Framework (the Framework)
has come as the first action of the South Eastern NSW Regional Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan and for this reason alone it is an historic, important and living document.
This is the first such regional Framework in Australia and out lines how the experiences of peer workers in regional, rural and isolated areas can be different from peer workers in urban areas. Excitingly it presents guidelines for becoming an employer of choice for peer workers.
Craze Lateral Solutions assisted COORDINAIRE to engage in a co-design process with Peer Workers throughout South Eastern NSW.
Read the full report here.